Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Pat On My Back From Myself

I write this blog because I love to write.

I'm aware of several blog subscribers in addition to the guaranteed readership of my SO, my parents, MoCoLotion, Sammy, and my aunt in Naperville (the dedicated midwest reader). However, I must admit it's nice getting noticed outside of this inner circle...to which I pat myself on the back for a DC blog mentioning trifecta (or triple crown because the Preakness is this weekend) for yesterday's post about men running without shirts.

How to mechanically pat yourself on the back.

As of 7 PM, the entry's dedicated page had been read almost 150 times. Not yet in the top 20 of dedicated blog page views, but not bad for only two days either. You no longer have to feel ashamed to read my blog because you are not alone. I appreciate the support.

Washington City Paper:




Washington Post Express (7 MB PDF link that'll be inactive in two weeks):

Page 32: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/express/pdfs/EXPRESS_05122008.pdf


  1. There are times when I see B & T in my inbox, and think, what the hell am I reading THIS for?

    And yet, the answer always is, because I enjoy it.

    Your take on life in general is entertaining. It's funny, satirical, and very, very, true. I'm proud to be one of the 150.

    All this from a 16 year old girl in San Diego...

    I would say your audience is definitely varied...quite varied.

    Good luck on the marriage-- T minus 5 days!

  2. Lauren, thanks so much for your kind comments and reading my little'ol blog.
