Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday – Labia, Labia, Labia

This was one bad weather day, but did have a few moments of sunshine. The ocean was still rough and coming up to our small sand dune so the beach was a washout (chortle, chortle, chortle). We made a quick trip to urgent care to take care of an infection in my big toe from a hangnail. I was given a choice of antibiotic and lancing it, or antibiotic and soaking it in hot water. I went the easy way and continued soaking it as I had done before. Within 24 hours, I was able to push on my toe in the hot water and fire a pus rocket (it was as gross as it sounds), nixing the infection and any thoughts we had to using the jacuzzi in the room. The tap water throughout the house had an odd smell, so outside of using the bottled water we bought for drinking, the tub wasn’t going to be used.

It wasn't as bad as drinking water while in Mexico, but we definitely needed the bottled water.

After we returned, I decided to setup my modified Xbox and play a few old school games with my cousin’s boyfriend and my younger cousins. Before I got them going on a history of videogames with Frogger and Super Mario Brothers, my cousin’s boyfriend and I played Tecmo Bowl (Nintendo version of course) and some Super Nintendo NBA Jam. We even played some WWF arcade games too, but the links were calling so we left to play 9 (errr, make that 12) holes of golf at the Goose Creek Golf Course while all of the women left for the outlets. I am thankful my aunt decided to buy me a Polo t-shirt after everyone took notice that my MD t-shirts were not in the best condition. My SO eyed a Coach purse and ended up buying it the next day.

It was my duty to start the next generation of videogame players the same way I did.

Golf went pretty well for me. After we sprinted back to the clubhouse from the first tee (though we started on the 10th) because of a brief torrential downpour, it was time to really play and look for the ball I had shot before ducking for cover. When I hit my irons well, they were still getting in the air pretty easily and I actually had a drive or two that found its way into the fairway. I had one drive of at least 230 yards thanks to my ball hitting a golf cart path across the fairway. Other than the usual golf events of missed putts, a par and a few bogeys, I was barely successful in jumping the golf cart across a small trench. We also took some pictures of my playing partner’s ball that found itself lodged a few inches deep in mud on a few holes. The course played like a municipal, but that’s fine with me and I welcomed the length after many a 9-hole round at Paint Branch.

While I bumbled my way around the golf course, my mom decided to go for a run with my SO over the same dunes the Wright Brothers flew from. There wouldn't be much to this story except for the fact my mom had my SO run through shards, shards, and more shards of glass in the sand. I'm sure it was my mom's way of testing my SO's worth to see if she was right for me. Even without the glass walking test, I know she is right for me....awwwww.

It wasn't THIS bad, but a few shards got stuck in my SO's foot.

That night my parents, SO, and I ate at Miller’s restaurant. Unfortunately, all of our fish dishes weren’t so good. This was the only night of subpar-tasting food. We finished the night with Scattegories and had some hilarious entires like, Subject: Things that grow….Answer: Men.

However, there was one moment that surpassed all exchanges from now until eternity…

In case you’re playing at home, the letter was L…the list was #10...the item was of the human body.

The sand was in the bottom of the timer and answers came spewing out. I waited to hear someone steal mine.

“Lungs!” I’m still safe.

“Legs!” I’m still safe.

“Labia!” I yell.

Half of the players who heard my answer are laughing so hard they’re tearing. My face’s blood vessels fill and turn me into a true red-head. The other half are in the dark so I am asked to repeat my answer, but I can’t bring myself to it. Word spreads around the table and the laughter is uncontrollable. Five minutes pass and the laughter semi-subsides. My aunt waits to share her answer.


The group acutely realizes that depending on its interpretation, my aunt’s answer is the same as mine. Round two of laughter tears ensue. I did get my well-deserved point. How do I love this game.

1 comment:

  1. "The group acutely realizes that depending on its interpretation, my aunt’s answer is the same as mine. Round two of laughter tears ensue"

    - And so do I.
